Main Feature Of Ender-7 Core-XY 3D Printer
Besides the Ender 6 and the 3DPrintMill CR-30 (a freak version of CoreXY), the Ender- 7 is the third printer in CoreXY architectures. Speed is one of the main draws of CoreXY printers.
With the Ender 7, Creality is boasting a staggeringly high 250 mm/s print speed while claiming to maintain the same printing quality.
Build Volume: 250 x 250 x 300 mm
Frame Dimensions: 430 x 560 x 570 mm
Mechanical Arrangement: Core-XY
Max Bed Temperature: 100℃
Max Hot End Temperature 260℃
Material Compatibility PLA, ABS, PETG
Connectivity: USB, TF Card, Creality BOX
High Speed and Long-lasting Durability
The Ender 7 achieves these speeds thanks to its 42-60 stepper motors that provide ample power and torque to the belts. In addition, to guarantee precise movement even at such high speeds, the Ender 7 features linear rail guides for the X and Y axis, which should provide smooth and stable operation and long-lasting durability.